Are You A Coach Looking To Increase Your Impact and Your Income?
Partner With the Most Successful Personal Transformation Program On The Planet, Get Our Done-For-You Coaching Program You Can Sell For $5k+ Per Client and Keep 80% Of The Profits...
From: Peter Sage

If I offered you:
  • A done-for-you 6-month personal transformation program you can sell for $5k+ and keep 80% of the profits...
  • ​Access to the most successful personal transformation program on the planet (over 2,716 five star reviews) so you yourself can finally eliminate any lingering low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, or unconscious limiting beliefs holding you back.
  • ​A legitimate and realistic roadmap to help you achieve 6-figures or more in your coaching business with as little as 2-3 clients per month... without needing to worry about trading your time for dollars, wondering how you'll get your clients results or how you'll compete with the 'big players'.
  • ​A thriving community of like minded coaches, trainers, therapists working together to raise global consciousness for the good...
  • ​Personal mentoring, support and continued training by me to ensure you can finally start achieving the income and impact you want from your coaching business...
Would you take me up on that offer?
Take A Sneak Peek Inside...
Hi, my name is Peter Sage. 

I am a multi-best-selling international author, world-renowned serial entrepreneur, 6X TEDx speaker, philosopher, and teacher.

For the last 20+ years, I have taught the most successful personal growth program in the industry: the Elite Mentorship Forum, a six-month program designed for you to break through any personal limitations that are holding you back. 

The results of the EMF Program have been life-changing and transformational for participants. And now, I am on a mission to raise global consciousness through my training programs.

And I'm looking for partners to join my Elite Mentorship Trainer Program.
If you are a coach, trainer, healer, or therapist who:
  • Struggles with the inner battle of wondering if you're good enough, whether or not people would pay to listen to you and get coached by you...
  • Doesn't have the big 'Guru' credibility, are not a bestselling author, or don't have a big name in the coaching industry...
  • ​Is maybe new to the industry with fresh coaching certifications but without any track record or without a big following or a strong online presence...
  • Doesn't have a program you can offer your clients that's proven to get them amazing results so they pay, stay and refer...
  • ​Has potentially had issues in the past around abundance, money and being worthy to receive...
  • Links your self-worth to your net-worth and struggle to offer your services at higher price-points...
  • ​Would love to have your own group mentoring and coaching program but are completely overwhelmed by the idea and everything that would go into it, let alone the marketing and promotion of it...
  • ​Is not very tech savvy and doesn't know the ins and outs of online marketings, funnels, courses etc...
  • ​Loves the thought of helping people have breakthroughs in their life but you're not quite sure of the business side of things...
  • ​Is maybe shy when it comes to asking for payments or aren't sure how to package and sell your services...
  • ​Worry what happens if you end up wasting 3, 6, 9, or even 12 months or more designing and creating a coaching program but you can't sell it or no ones wants it...
  • Would LOVE to be able to overcome all of these struggles, pain points and problems and build the 6-figure, even 7-figure coaching business of your dreams...
If any of this sounds like you, then we may have the perfect opportunity for you to finally level up your impact, and your income...
Watch Tony nicholson's story
Tony went from an $50 hour to over $5,000 an hour...
JUST HOW INCREDIBLE IS the elite mentorship trainer opportunity?
Below you’ll find a collection of our trainer’s transformations, success stories and reasons behind becoming Elite Mentorship Trainers. 

Living an Abundant Life

"It's impacted literally every aspect of my life." From improved relationships to more energy, to living a life of joy and abundance. Mubeen's transformation impacted more than just him and his family as he set sail on his dream business venture that will help others accomplish the same transformations. 

Mubeen Azam

Crushed by Limiting Beliefs to Dream Career

Crushed by limiting beliefs, not enough money and the want to always please others... Aaron avoided true transformation and the desire to start his own business. Hear about his challenges (that you may face too), how he overcame them and how he was able to create his dream career that seemed so out of reach just a year prior.

Aaron Lee

Feeling Stuck to Living Life Unchained

The universe is friendly and here to help you live abundantly! Seriously. In her video, Christene shares how she went from low self confidence, a poverty mindset and feeling stuck, to living a life unchained. Feeling more confident, abundant, loving and becoming far more profitable in the process! 

Christene Loweth

Playing Small to Living Courageously

You can't live an amazing life by hiding and playing small. Cindy encourages you to put your fear aside and go for it! It's time to boost your life to the next level. To connect, be happy, joyful, more courageous, adventurous and loving as you create your new amazing reality with EMT! 

Cindy Francis

Business Newbie to Bring It On

John had never started a business before and was beyond impressed on how easy Team Sage helped him get started. "Bring it on", he says as this new chapter of his life kicks off with his very own business! "Why am I so confident? It's all because of the training and peer group that I've got through EMT."

John Martin

How Can I Help? to Confident Trainer

Talk about a full transformational shift! Katja explains how the journey through these courses has impacted her toward complete change in her decision making, perception and appreciation. Which helped her answer the long burning question…”How do I contribute? How do I use the whole of me?” The answer was to now change the ‘F’ to a ‘T’ at the end of Elite Mentorship. Now Katja is beyond excited to begin her new journey with the help and support of this ‘plug and play’ trainer system!

Katja Blakstad

Helping Others Find Their Compassion

Helping others to see the world through the lens of self esteem and moving toward what they love. “It’s an absolute gift to take this knowledge and embody it.” Kris goes on to explain how EMT helped him remember how to have compassion for others and for himself. Which has increased his ability to love and forever changed his life. “It’s an incredibly empowering course and I cannot recommend it higher.”

Kris Ellis

Part of a Bigger Movement

“I feel like I’m part of a bigger movement for world peace, raising global awareness and consciousness.” As someone who has studied in this field for over 30 years, Lily explains how much these courses truly mean and how exciting it is to be a part of something so great moving forward.

Lili McGovern

Finding a Way to Serve Others

With a serious drive to progress her learning and serve others, Marieta borrowed the money to make her EMT dream come true. No mistakes were made in the making of this story… Check out what she has to say about the amazing journey through these life changing courses. And cheer on our new ‘Jedi Trainer' fighting to raise global consciousness!

Marieta Vandeva

Clearing Hurdles to Elevate Her Business

“If you feel that you’ve been led to this, don’t let worries, other people’s opinions or self doubt stop you. Take the leap.” Says Martha about the EMT program. Martha has made a living helping people for decades, so joining EMF and EMT was quite the no-brainer. Even though at the time she had pretty substantial hurdles to overcome… Hear how she was able to pull the trigger, elevate to a whole new level and how it led to her business growing without changing anything!

Martha Clipp

Daily Grind to Inspired Trainer

“With an environment that's supporting and nurturing, it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.” Robin has an absolutely amazing story of growth, change, following his heart and realizing his truth. Give him a listen as he really embodies wisdom, passion and integrity with his words. And with the new found purpose to help others break the cycle he once ran, joining EMT as another new ‘Jedi Trainer’ is inspiring and heartfelt. No longer wishing for the weekend, Robin is now excited and embracing everyday of his life.

Robin Dewbury

War Cry of Failure to the Best Version of Herself

From singing the ‘war cry of failure’ to effortlessly making sales as a trainer before even graduating from EMF! Sabina, with her psychology background, dove right into EMT and EMF to become the best version of herself and coach that she could be. Is it worth it Sabina? 

“Absolutely, YES! EMT is the most holistic, complete, all inclusive and integrated business program that I’ve ever come across.”

Sabina Shahabudin

No Self Confidence to Living a Life of Power

“I have that much confidence in the program that when I graduate from EMF next month, I’m quitting my job.” Wow, what an amazing journey of growth and self realization! Take a quick listen to how Sharon went from limiting beliefs, little to no self confidence and completely dismissing her abilities, all the way to living a life of power and unconditional love where she, “can’t help but to smile!”

Sharon Sephton

Surviving Life to Ecstatically Jumping into Life

For far too long, Sue, like many of us, was surviving life. Not excited about the day to day motions, nor the shaky relationships she had with her family. After graduating EMF, building loving relationships and living truly authentic, Sue knew her purpose was to help others do the same. EMT was the next step in that direction for her and let’s just say…her ‘step’ was more of an ecstatic JUMP! 

Sue Parrot

Getting Excited About Becoming An EMT? Great...
It all begins by applying to become an Elite Mentorship Trainer (EMT). 

The Elite Mentorship Trainer is a done-for-you high-ticket training/coaching business in a box for coaches and trainers who want to help people, have a positive impact on the world and generate a consistent, life-changing income every month and year...

As an Elite Mentorship Trainer, you will be partnering directly with the best in class, and will have the opportunity to participate and sell your very own done-for-you coaching program (EMF)  to your clients for $5k+ and keep 80% of the profits...

By applying and if successful becoming an Elite Mentorship Trainer you'll be able to:
1. Plug Into A Successful System For Getting Clients and Results...
Our personal transformation and mentoring program EMF is proven, with a long track record and has 2,617 five star reviews and counting. 

You won't have to create your own program, you'll get certified in facilitating and delivering our program to your clients and you keep 80% of the profits.

Typically our EMT's sell our program for $5k and you'll keep 80% of the profits. Just 2-3 clients a clients a month equals a healthy and profitable six figure business.
2. Taste The Power Of Our Personal Transformation Program Firsthand...
If and when you successfully become an EMT you'll take our program for yourself so you can so you yourself can finally eliminate any lingering low self-esteem, imposter syndrome, or unconscious limiting beliefs holding you back.

Why is this important?

You'll become a product of the program and not only will your own confidence, self-esteem and and self-worth. soar, but you'll be instantly a raving fan which will only make it easier for you to succeed when you offer it to potential clients.

Think about it like this, you have no hesitation recommended your favourite restaurant to people. Why? because you've sampled the food, you've tasted the goods and you know it's amazing. You're a raving fan. You're the best salesperson for that restaurant because you trust them and know they deliver.

When you go through a program that massively transforms your life, alters your relationship to money in a positive way, repairs your past traumas or limiting beliefs, allows you to become a better version of yourself, and creates massive value, do you think you'd have a problem talking to people about that?

No of course not. When you become an EMT, you'll become a product of the program that gives you the ultimate x-factor. 
3. You Simply Recommend The System, And Forget Everything Else...
After you go through our program and become an EMT, you won't need to worry about creating courses, launching your own programs or struggle with the battle of trying to sell your services. 

You simply offer them our system (and keep 80% of the profits). You can magically bypass all of the doubts about whether or not you're worthy enough, good enough of whether or not people will listen to you, pay you, want to work for you.

By focusing on recommending our system, you don't need to figure everything out, you can focus on the things that matter, helping people have amazing breakthroughs. All of which leads to more impact and income for you.
Why does this work so much better, you may be wondering?
Many coaching certification programs in the market do not address the underlying issue most coaches have. 

You do the course you pass the exam and you get to put another certificate on the wall and are still left to your own devices to figure out how you are to recoup your investment in the program by selling your time.

Certificates don’t make you a good coach. Only the effective application of the knowledge you learned helping people transform their lives does.

The problem is you will have to figure out how to effectively apply your knowledge all by yourself.

This is where becoming an Elite Mentorship Trainer shines through.

You do not have to figure this out yourself. 

We will give you the training and provide you with marketing and sales support along the way. 

This is what I will teach you. 

Now, this will not only make you a great coach and trainer but also multiply your business. 

We don’t get you to pass our exam so you can put a certificate on the wall. 

We give you a done-for-you coaching business in a box that not only helps people have life altering transformations but also makes you life-changing sums of money in the process.

Amazing right?

Imagine how different life would be...
If ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS cheered you on and held you accountable!
You would...
  • Feel comfortable and confident all the time knowing that, no matter what, the people who matter most always have your back!
  • Have a Clear Focus on exactly what you want and be around the people who share that clear focus!
  • ​​Feel Certain in the direction you're taking with your chief aim directly in front of you! No distractions, negativity or time vampires!
  • ​Learn, Grow and Achieve with people moving in the same direction so you never feel 'out of place'!
  • Never fall back into old habits as they no longer align with you, your new peers and the bigger picture you've collectively created!
  • Trust the guidance, wisdom and intuition you receive because it comes from friends operating from the same level of consciousness as you.
  • Follow through with everything until completion because you've surrounded yourself with those who hold you accountable!
  • Feel secure in your mission and your purpose! Be happy and confident to share your dreams and desires with people who genuinely want to help you get there!
  • Make decisive decisions in the times when they are needed the most knowing that everything will be okay since you have a round table of amazing peers to fall back on!
  • Genuinely know your worth as an individual and as a professional which will allow you to receive the money you’ve been wanting to make.
  • Create results intentionally from Freedom, Flow and Ease so that you are no longer being weighed down with the “How”.
  • Be the Authentic Leader you always knew you could be because you're no longer trying to fit in, conform, or people please. You're accepted!
  • Make a significant difference impacting people’s lives and inspiring others as you're constantly living out your biggest goals!
Interested? Apply to Partner With Us... Level Up Your Coaching Business And Become An 
So, if this interests you and you want more information.

Then I invite you to book a free 30-minute EMT discovery call with our team…


This is not a high-pressure call. We will find out a little bit more about you and your coaching business and if suitable, we will walk you through everything that EMT entails (your investment, requirements, and answer any questions you may have).

Please note, we don't partner with people who are just interested in making money. 

If that’s you, don’t apply for a call. Please go and look for another business opportunity. 

We work with action-takers who are ready to transform the lives of other people.

If this is you, what are you waiting for?
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- Forbes
In addition to the 8 week online video training, made
up of over 80 videos, students will get: